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Showing posts from March, 2012

Lesson Planning Steps

This is the general structure of a lesson plan using an ESA/PPP format. Let's just go over the basics and then we can talk about each step and how to make it as effective as possible. Things to consider about lesson planning 1. What's your goal? What do you want the students to be learning by the end of the lesson? 2. Is it worthwhile/useful for them? 3. Do you have sufficient target language and a topic for your lesson?     (Hey you reading this! Follow the blog. Just add your email on the right or click 'Follow my Blog' on the bottom right----------------.>>>>) ESA - Engage Study Activate - PPP Present Practice Production. They pretty much mean the same thing. Creating a good lesson generally involves introducing a topic, introducing target language (grammar, lexis, slang, new content...etc) studying the target language and finally having the students use the target language in a REAL discourse. This means questions back and for